Historic Atlanta's mission is to advance social justice and community by saving historic places.
Historic Atlanta, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to supporting and advocating for the thoughtful reuse of Atlanta’s historic resources.
Historic Atlanta launched in the Spring of 2018, after a few years hosting and moderating the Atlanta Preservation Alliance, a network of preservation professionals and passionate lay-people. Though a relatively young organization, Historic Atlanta has had great success in its efforts to democratize historic preservation and have hosted several community input sessions and roundtable discussions, organized advocacy efforts for threatened properties, drafted proactive local Landmark designations, produce reports local governments' historic preservation programs, and manage federal grants to complete a city-wide ethno-cultural historic context study.
Through the Special Committee on Black Heritage and the LGBTQ+ Historic Preservation Advisory Committee, Historic Atlanta is dedicated to preservation efforts of communities and stories that have been traditionally underserved by Historic Preservation.
Historic Atlanta provides advocacy, education, and technical assistance for the thoughtful reuse and responsible stewardship of historically and culturally significant places throughout the Atlanta area.
But we can't do this alone. Support Historic Atlanta in a number of ways, become involved, donate, and like us on Social Media.
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Use the tag #SaveATL
- History Atlanta - Historic Buildings, People and Things in Atlanta History
- ThreadATL - Promoting good Urbanism in Atlanta
- Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation
- Atlanta Preservation Center