Historic Atlanta Mission & Vision:
“To advance social justice and community by saving historic places.“
Our mission is to advance social justice and community through the use of Historic Preservation. This means that preservation is not the end but the means to impact the community. Historic Atlanta’s mission and programs strive to ensure that the people who live among our historic sites have a real understanding of the resources available to them. The organization has had success with the LGBTQ+ and African American communities, but there is still work to do in helping Latino/a, Southeast Asian, working class, and other underrepresented groups save their historic spaces. A potential outcome for Atlanta would be to switch the focus of southern history from one imposed by the dominant class to one that is more inclusive and encompasses the story of all Atlantans, not just those with historical, political, or economic power. Through historic preservation, Historic Atlanta seeks to uplift, recognize, and empower diverse community groups in saving their spaces and taking back their own stories.

In fulfilling our mission, Historic Atlanta’s 3 major programmatic activities target the urban landscape through place-based preservation, foundational policy and planning efforts through workshops, and uplifting underserved communities through engagement that promotes a democratic approach to preservation.

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Please consider making a tax-deductible charitable contribution to Historic Atlanta. Your donation will help us save places that support social equity and community. Any donation amount is appreciated.